Saturday, April 3, 2010

Big feet make you alien-esque.

Today was a great day. However there's one thing that stood out more than anything, and it's not the thing that all my friends would expect me to say. In yoga today we were doing very relaxing floor poses. One pose, that I believe is called cobbler or something of the sorts, has us with our feet pressed firmly together. We're supposed to practice our posture while we focus on opening our hips. Well, I could focus on neither. As I took a deep breath in and opened my eyes, I noticed that my left foot is substantially over sized in comparison to my right. Yeah, yeah everyone has one foot bigger than the other, but one foot that is possibly more than a whole shoe size bigger? It's disgusting if you ask me, but you wouldn't have to because I'm telling you before you asked. Perhaps this is all said in vain. Or perhaps I am a martian. Yeah, I'll go with that one. I'm a martian.

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