Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Teenage Lobotomy

If a lobotomy could successfully work with no real mishaps, then science is truly revolutionary. But there is one problem, wouldn't anyone who signs up for a lobotomy not recall getting one post procedure? After all, he/she has an all new mind with all new memories and background. So whatever they encountered in their life pre-lobotomy would be erased. But wouldn't it be more interesting (this is assuming lobotomies actually are perfectly successful already) that at some point in childhood we all receive one but cannot recall the event since our new mind does not remember going into surgery? Our earliest memory that our body actually went through (if lucky) would be waking up in a hospital bed confused and frightened. So basically, it's possible (but not probable) that we have all been living lives that we haven't actually lived.

This theory is flawed. I'm currently arguing with myself to work out the kinks.

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