Friday, April 9, 2010


We've all heard the term "homophobic" yes? If you haven't, then fuck you, quit reading this, and google the goddamn term. Many heterosexuals are still homophobic. Why? I don't fucking know. You think they'd all be used to it by now. I suppose due to states like Texas and Alabama, the world will never embrace sexuality the way I do, but that's alright.

Trip on this with me for a second: If there is such thing as homophobic, then wouldn't that have to mean there is also "heterophobic?" If straights can fear gays, can't gays fear straights? Overtly straight males have a reputation for being uncomfortable around gay males. They don't want to be hit on by another human being with a penis. Understandable. But let's reverse this a little. How do gay males feel when straight girls hit on them? Is it not possible that they are repulsed by it, and do not like to be around straight girls if those girls are unaware of the fact that they are gay?

So basically, with an over-emphasis on sexual orientation, we all fear each other.

Here's the real question: Whatever happened to free love?

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