Monday, March 29, 2010

Last night I had a dream, that I didn't know was a dream, about my school. It wasn't boring; it was exciting and, at the time, terrifying. The school was under quarantine, sort of. The only difference being that people could enter, but then they couldn't leave. I walked into the school pretty clueless as some guys in white jumpsuits directed myself and those with me where to go.

The school looked like some one's house, and this person must have had fourteen kids or more because there were twin beds everywhere. I found myself cramped into one of these rooms with two beds crying because I got separated from my brother (in real life he lives in England). He found me in this room, and had a dozen or so people with him. Apparently they had a plan: Go to the side entrance of the school and run.

We did just that, causing trucks and jeeps chases after us as we hopped fences like a bunch of border Mexicans. We jumped a bad fence that trapped us into this enormous cage of chain link. It was up on this hill that the trucks and jeeps couldn't make it up, so we were safe from them...temporarily. Foot patrol was after us now.

There was a manhole type thing within this cage that the patrol officers were traveling through and up. They had a snake like tube being sent through the sewer system, and up into our cage. We pulled it through so that they couldn't find their way to us (I think). We cheered as if we just won the Superbowl once we'd attained the entire tube.

This actually caused the entire patrol system to retreat to the school grounds. We climbed out of our cage and spent the rest of our lives outrunning the government. My brother and I landed in a mobile home (literally: a house on wheels). The old cartoon The Rugrats somehow became involved in our elaborate schemes, and lots of sweeping took place. We stole cars and hid in shopping malls. And that (I presume) was either a.) how we spent the rest of our lives or b.) how we died.

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