Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Today I found myself thinking about troll dolls. Does anyone else remember these? Those creepy naked dolls with some sort of neon colored hair that stuck straight up into the air? I never liked them when I was a kid, but now they are somewhat of an idol to me. Let's see now: Number 1. Troll dolls are always naked (awesome!); Number 2. Their hairstyle is considered normal amongst the troll kind, but if a human had that hair they would be considered a freak, an outsider, a weirdo; And number 3. Trolls never seemed to be heterosexual to me, they are most definitely bisexual. All in all, troll dolls are the most accepting and loving creatures on this planet. I only wish I could have realized this as a child and embraced the troll race. Instead, I just feared the one troll doll that I owned because apparently I was a judgemental little bastard.

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